Hi!Hi! Well, I cannot believe tonight is our last night here, this is quite sad! These past three weeks have been amazing, one of the best experiences of my life. It is crazy how fast this trip has gone by. I have learned so much, from how to pitch a tent correctly to what an accretionary complex is. I am really going to miss the beautiful scenery of Alaska and the awesome group (Garver and Jackie included!). My experience would not have been the same any other way. Goodbye LOTE 2009 L!
Ps- Thank you Jackie and Garver!!!
Taylor LaBrecque
Hello, for the last time. We’re all looking forward to going home tomorrow but it’s going to be hard to leave everyone. I can’t believe the three weeks have already gone by or that I have only one more night with my tent-mates. I’ve grown very close to each member of the schisty fissures and I can’t imagine going through this with anyone else. I’m so thankful to Jackie and Garver for putting up with us and making this trip so much fun. I hope the rest of your summers are amazing!
Tyler Willey
Hey Hi! Tonight is a very sad night, as it is our last night here in Alaska. Words cannot describe the experiences and sights I have seen and had here over these past three weeks. It feels like just yesterday that I walked off the plane into Anchorage. I want to say thanks to Mom and Dad for tolerating our shenanigans and on occasion joining in while they drove us all over Alaska. I am for sure going to miss traveling and living with everyone! See everyone in the fall!
So after eating our last meal here in Alaska, I cannot believe that I won’t be waking up with these 11 people for the rest of the summer. Spending three weeks with all those on this trip has been an experience of a lifetime. Even if I visit Alaska again in my future I know it will not compare to this trip. Thanks friends and family for giving cool comments on the blog and for all your support for us on this trip… “If ya’ll seen a leprechaun say yeah!”
Tyler Izykowski
Oh, hello there… I didn’t notice you come in. So the trip has finally come to an end. I’ll be spending an extra evening bumming around Anchorage before I head home Sunday night. Words can’t begin to express how awesome this experience has been. I just want to say thank you to Professors Cockburn and Garver (who are doctors), as well as everyone else on the trip for making it everything that it was.
T.I. out.
How’s it going! I can’t believe that it is our last night in Alaska. It feels like months ago that I stepped out of the Anchorage airport. We have done so many things in such a short period of time, and I have no idea where the time has gone. I don’t have much to say to be honest, except to express how truly amazing this trip has been. I want to thank Jarvis and Captain Cockburn for all they have done to make this trip as great as it has been. I also wanted to thank everyone else who made this trip truly memorable. It was a great time, I won’t forget it.
Hey everybody! I can’t believe this trip is ending tomorrow. This trip has been amazing, its really hard to condense all of the things I have experience in to a few lines. I can only say that I hope I can return to Alaska again and that everyone can experience this amazing land. This trip wouldn’t have been so incredible without Dr. Garver and Dr. Cockburn’s ability to plan a trip that could allow us to see so many different parts of Alaska. Thanks.
-Hobo Jim
What’s up guys! Who would have guessed that this trip is finally coming to an end? There are few words that could adequately explain what this trip has taught me and how beautiful “the great land” is. The incredible sights and sounds let alone the awesome group I have spent the last three weeks with only make me want to spend even more time up here. Alaska is an incredibly special place that everyone should find the time to visit. The doctors not only made this trip an scenic amazement, their knowledge has made it an educational extravaganza as well. All I can say is thanks guys…I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
Hey there! BFFF! Today is our last day in Alaska! I do not know how the trip went by so quickly! It was so much fun and really interesting to actually see aftermaths of the 1964 earthquake and tsunami. I especially enjoyed seeing and hiking on Matanuska and Child’s glacier. This trip wouldn’t be possible without Professors Cockburn and Garver, which made the trip a blast! I wish the trip could have continued longer! Thanks for everyone making this an incredible experience!
So, wow! Tonight’s the last night we can have s’mores but more importantly the last night that we will be together in Alaska. This has been a crazy experience and has only whet my appetite for Alaska and for traveling in general. It’s been so awesome meeting lots of new people and seeing lots of unique things that are so different from home. This trip has opened my eyes to career opportunities and really inspired me to work in the field. I will never forget the sights, the wildlife, and most importantly the people that have been my family for these past 3 weeks. Jackie and Garver have been more than professors, they’ve been great mentors, friends and parents (Mom and Dad!). I’m so grateful for all of the hard work that was put into this program! Thanks for reading and have a great summer!
LOL (lots of love)
Thug nasty aka Shabang Shabop Bop Tupac Shakur
thanks for making the trip so memorable for all the kids and for getting them all back safely!!
ReplyDeleteClare LaBrecque
There are plenty of things to be excited about the coolers. From the versaltility to meeting every consumer’s need to the graceful designs, Codorva coolers is worth buying.